
class folium.folium.Map(location=None, width='100%', height='100%', left='0%', top='0%', position='relative', tiles='OpenStreetMap', API_key=None, max_zoom=18, min_zoom=1, zoom_start=10, attr=None, min_lat=-90, max_lat=90, min_lon=-180, max_lon=180, detect_retina=False, crs='EPSG3857')

Create a Map with Folium and Leaflet.js

Generate a base map of given width and height with either default tilesets or a custom tileset URL. The following tilesets are built-in to Folium. Pass any of the following to the “tiles” keyword:

  • “OpenStreetMap”
  • “MapQuest Open”
  • “MapQuest Open Aerial”
  • “Mapbox Bright” (Limited levels of zoom for free tiles)
  • “Mapbox Control Room” (Limited levels of zoom for free tiles)
  • “Stamen” (Terrain, Toner, and Watercolor)
  • “Cloudmade” (Must pass API key)
  • “Mapbox” (Must pass API key)
  • “CartoDB” (positron and dark_matter)

You can pass a custom tileset to Folium by passing a Leaflet-style URL to the tiles parameter: http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png

  • location (tuple or list, default None) – Latitude and Longitude of Map (Northing, Easting).
  • width (pixel int or percentage string (default: '100%')) – Width of the map.
  • height (pixel int or percentage string (default: '100%')) – Height of the map.
  • tiles (str, default 'OpenStreetMap') – Map tileset to use. Can choose from a list of built-in tiles, pass a custom URL or pass None to create a map without tiles.
  • API_key (str, default None) – API key for Cloudmade or Mapbox tiles.
  • max_zoom (int, default 18) – Maximum zoom depth for the map.
  • zoom_start (int, default 10) – Initial zoom level for the map.
  • attr (string, default None) – Map tile attribution; only required if passing custom tile URL.
  • detect_retina (bool, default False) – If true and user is on a retina display, it will request four tiles of half the specified size and a bigger zoom level in place of one to utilize the high resolution.
  • crs (str, default 'EPSG3857') – Defines coordinate reference systems for projecting geographical points into pixel (screen) coordinates and back. You can use Leaflet’s values : * EPSG3857 : The most common CRS for online maps, used by almost all free and commercial tile providers. Uses Spherical Mercator projection. Set in by default in Map’s crs option. * EPSG4326 : A common CRS among GIS enthusiasts. Uses simple Equirectangular projection. * EPSG3395 : Rarely used by some commercial tile providers. Uses Elliptical Mercator projection. * Simple : A simple CRS that maps longitude and latitude into x and y directly. May be used for maps of flat surfaces (e.g. game maps). Note that the y axis should still be inverted (going from bottom to top).

Return type:

Folium LegacyMap Object


>>> map = folium.LegacyMap(location=[45.523, -122.675], width=750, height=500)
>>> map = folium.LegacyMap(location=[45.523, -122.675],
                           tiles='Mapbox Control Room')
>>> map = folium.LegacyMap(location=(45.523, -122.675), max_zoom=20,
                           tiles='Cloudmade', API_key='YourKey')
>>> map = folium.LegacyMap(location=[45.523, -122.675], zoom_start=2,
                            attr='Mapbox attribution')

Adds a plugin to the map.

Parameters:plugin (folium.plugins object) – A plugin to be added to the map. It has to implement the methods render_html, render_css and render_js.
add_wms_layer(wms_name=None, wms_url=None, wms_format=None, wms_layers=None, wms_transparent=True)

Adds a simple tile layer.

  • wms_name (string) – name of wms layer
  • wms_url (string) – url of wms layer
choropleth(geo_path=None, geo_str=None, data_out='data.json', data=None, columns=None, key_on=None, threshold_scale=None, fill_color='blue', fill_opacity=0.6, line_color='black', line_weight=1, line_opacity=1, legend_name='', topojson=None, reset=False)

Apply a GeoJSON overlay to the map.

Plot a GeoJSON overlay on the base map. There is no requirement to bind data (passing just a GeoJSON plots a single-color overlay), but there is a data binding option to map your columnar data to different feature objects with a color scale.

If data is passed as a Pandas dataframe, the “columns” and “key-on” keywords must be included, the first to indicate which DataFrame columns to use, the second to indicate the layer in the GeoJSON on which to key the data. The ‘columns’ keyword does not need to be passed for a Pandas series.

Colors are generated from color brewer ( sequential palettes on a D3 threshold scale. The scale defaults to the following quantiles: [0, 0.5, 0.75, 0.85, 0.9]. A custom scale can be passed to threshold_scale of length <=6, in order to match the color brewer range.

TopoJSONs can be passed as “geo_path”, but the “topojson” keyword must also be passed with the reference to the topojson objects to convert. See the topojson.feature method in the TopoJSON API reference:

  • geo_path (string, default None) – URL or File path to your GeoJSON data
  • geo_str (string, default None) – String of GeoJSON, alternative to geo_path
  • data_out (string, default 'data.json') – Path to write Pandas DataFrame/Series to JSON if binding data
  • data (Pandas DataFrame or Series, default None) – Data to bind to the GeoJSON.
  • columns (dict or tuple, default None) – If the data is a Pandas DataFrame, the columns of data to be bound. Must pass column 1 as the key, and column 2 the values.
  • key_on (string, default None) – Variable in the GeoJSON file to bind the data to. Must always start with ‘feature’ and be in JavaScript objection notation. Ex: ‘’ or ‘’.
  • threshold_scale (list, default None) – Data range for D3 threshold scale. Defaults to the following range of quantiles: [0, 0.5, 0.75, 0.85, 0.9], rounded to the nearest order-of-magnitude integer. Ex: 270 rounds to 200, 5600 to 6000.
  • fill_color (string, default 'blue') – Area fill color. Can pass a hex code, color name, or if you are binding data, one of the following color brewer palettes: ‘BuGn’, ‘BuPu’, ‘GnBu’, ‘OrRd’, ‘PuBu’, ‘PuBuGn’, ‘PuRd’, ‘RdPu’, ‘YlGn’, ‘YlGnBu’, ‘YlOrBr’, and ‘YlOrRd’.
  • fill_opacity (float, default 0.6) – Area fill opacity, range 0-1.
  • line_color (string, default 'black') – GeoJSON geopath line color.
  • line_weight (int, default 1) – GeoJSON geopath line weight.
  • line_opacity (float, default 1) – GeoJSON geopath line opacity, range 0-1.
  • legend_name (string, default empty string) – Title for data legend.
  • topojson (string, default None) – If using a TopoJSON, passing “objects.yourfeature” to the topojson keyword argument will enable conversion to GeoJSON.
  • reset (boolean, default False) – Remove all current geoJSON layers, start with new layer

Return type:

GeoJSON data layer in obj.template_vars


>>> m.choropleth(geo_path='us-states.json', line_color='blue',
>>> m.choropleth(geo_path='geo.json', data=df,
                 columns=['Data 1', 'Data 2'],
                 key_on='', fill_color='PuBu',
                 threshold_scale=[0, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60])
>>> m.choropleth(geo_path='countries.json',
...              topojson='objects.countries')
circle_marker(location=None, radius=500, popup=None, line_color='black', fill_color='black', fill_opacity=0.6, popup_width=300)

Create a simple circle marker on the map, with optional popup text or Vincent visualization.

  • location (tuple or list, default None) – Latitude and Longitude of Marker (Northing, Easting)
  • radius (int, default 500) – Circle radius, in pixels
  • popup (string or tuple, default 'Pop Text') – Input text or visualization for object. Can pass either text, or a tuple of the form (Vincent object, ‘vis_path.json’) It is possible to adjust the width of text/HTML popups using the optional keywords popup_width (default is 300px).
  • line_color (string, default black) – Line color. Can pass hex value here as well.
  • fill_color (string, default black) – Fill color. Can pass hex value here as well.
  • fill_opacity (float, default 0.6) – Circle fill opacity

Return type:

Circle names and HTML in obj.template_vars


>>> map.circle_marker(location=[45.5, -122.3],
                      radius=1000, popup='Portland, OR')
>>> map.circle_marker(location=[45.5, -122.3],
                      radius=1000, popup=(bar_chart, 'bar_data.json'))

Enable the addition of markers via clicking on the map. The marker popup defaults to Lat/Lon, but custom text can be passed via the popup parameter. Double click markers to remove them.

Parameters:popup – Custom popup text


>>> map.click_for_marker(popup='Your Custom Text')
create_map(path='map.html', plugin_data_out=True, template=None)

Write Map output to HTML.

  • path (string, default 'map.html') – Path for HTML output for map
  • plugin_data_out (boolean, default True) – Deprecated, not used anymore
  • template (string, default None) – Deprecated, not used anymore
fit_bounds(bounds, padding_top_left=None, padding_bottom_right=None, padding=None, max_zoom=None)

Fit the map to contain a bounding box with the maximum zoom level possible.

  • bounds (list of (latitude, longitude) points) – Bounding box specified as two points [southwest, northeast]
  • padding_top_left ((x, y) point, default None) – Padding in the top left corner. Useful if some elements in the corner, such as controls, might obscure objects you’re zooming to.
  • padding_bottom_right ((x, y) point, default None) – Padding in the bottom right corner.
  • padding ((x, y) point, default None) – Equivalent to setting both top left and bottom right padding to the same value.
  • max_zoom (int, default None) – Maximum zoom to be used.


>>> map.fit_bounds([[52.193636, -2.221575], [52.636878, -1.139759]])
geo_json(*args, **kwargs)

This method is deprecated and will be removed in v0.2.1. See Map.choropleth instead.

image_overlay(data, opacity=0.25, min_lat=-90.0, max_lat=90.0, min_lon=-180.0, max_lon=180.0, origin='upper', colormap=None, image_name=None, filename=None, mercator_project=False)

Simple image overlay of raster data from a numpy array. This is a lightweight way to overlay geospatial data on top of a map. If your data is high res, consider implementing a WMS server and adding a WMS layer.

This function works by generating a PNG file from a numpy array. If you do not specify a filename, it will embed the image inline. Otherwise, it saves the file in the current directory, and then adds it as an image overlay layer in leaflet.js. By default, the image is placed and stretched using bounds that cover the entire globe.

  • data (numpy array OR url string, required.) – if numpy array, must be a image format, i.e., NxM (mono), NxMx3 (rgb), or NxMx4 (rgba) if url, must be a valid url to a image (local or external)
  • opacity (float, default 0.25) – Image layer opacity in range 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque)
  • min_lat (float, default -90.0) –
  • max_lat (float, default 90.0) –
  • min_lon (float, default -180.0) –
  • max_lon (float, default 180.0) –
  • image_name (string, default None) – The name of the layer object in leaflet.js
  • filename (string, default None) – Optional file name of output.png for image overlay. Use None for inline PNG.
  • origin (['upper' | 'lower'], optional, default 'upper') – Place the [0,0] index of the array in the upper left or lower left corner of the axes.
  • colormap (callable, used only for mono image.) – Function of the form [x -> (r,g,b)] or [x -> (r,g,b,a)] for transforming a mono image into RGB. It must output iterables of length 3 or 4, with values between 0 and 1. Hint: you can use colormaps from
  • mercator_project (bool, default False, used only for array-like image.) – Transforms the data to project (longitude,latitude) coordinates to the Mercator projection.

Return type:

Image overlay data layer in obj.template_vars


# assumes a map object m has been created >>> import numpy as np >>> data = np.random.random((100,100))

# to make a rgba from a specific matplotlib colormap: >>> import as cm >>> cmapper =‘jet’) >>> data2 = cmapper.to_rgba(np.random.random((100,100))) >>> # Place the data over all of the globe (will be pretty pixelated!) >>> m.image_overlay(data) >>> # Put it only over a single city (Paris). >>> m.image_overlay(data, min_lat=48.80418, max_lat=48.90970, ... min_lon=2.25214, max_lon=2.44731)


Enable popovers to display Lat and Lon on each click.

line(locations, line_color=None, line_opacity=None, line_weight=None, popup=None, popup_width=300, latlon=True)

Add a line to the map with optional styles.

  • locations (list of points (latitude, longitude)) – Latitude and Longitude of line (Northing, Easting)
  • line_color (string, default Leaflet's default ('#03f')) –
  • line_opacity (float, default Leaflet's default (0.5)) –
  • line_weight (float, default Leaflet's default (5)) –
  • popup (string or tuple, default 'Pop Text') – Input text or visualization for object. Can pass either text, or a tuple of the form (Vincent object, ‘vis_path.json’) It is possible to adjust the width of text/HTML popups using the optional keywords popup_width (default is 300px).
  • latlon (bool, default True) – Whether locations are given in the form [[lat, lon]] or not ([[lon, lat]] if False). Note that the default GeoJson format is latlon=False, while Leaflet polyline’s default is latlon=True.
  • Note (If the optional styles are omitted, they will not be included) –
  • the HTML output and will obtain the Leaflet defaults listed above. (in) –


>>> map.line(locations=[(45.5, -122.3), (42.3, -71.0)])
>>> map.line(locations=[(45.5, -122.3), (42.3, -71.0)],
             line_color='red', line_opacity=1.0)
multiline(locations, line_color=None, line_opacity=None, line_weight=None, popup=None, popup_width=300, latlon=True)

Add a multiPolyline to the map with optional styles.

A multiPolyline is single layer that consists of several polylines that share styling/popup.

  • locations (list of lists of points (latitude, longitude)) – Latitude and Longitude of line (Northing, Easting)
  • line_color (string, default Leaflet's default ('#03f')) –
  • line_opacity (float, default Leaflet's default (0.5)) –
  • line_weight (float, default Leaflet's default (5)) –
  • popup (string or tuple, default 'Pop Text') – Input text or visualization for object. Can pass either text, or a tuple of the form (Vincent object, ‘vis_path.json’) It is possible to adjust the width of text/HTML popups using the optional keywords popup_width (default is 300px).
  • latlon (bool, default True) – Whether locations are given in the form [[lat, lon]] or not ([[lon, lat]] if False). Note that the default GeoJson format is latlon=False, while Leaflet polyline’s default is latlon=True.
  • Note (If the optional styles are omitted, they will not be included) –
  • the HTML output and will obtain the Leaflet defaults listed above. (in) –


>>> m.multiline(locations=[[(45.5236, -122.675), (45.5236, -122.675)],
                           [(45.5237, -122.675), (45.5237, -122.675)],
                           [(45.5238, -122.675), (45.5238, -122.675)]])
>>> m.multiline(locations=[[(45.5236, -122.675), (45.5236, -122.675)],
                           [(45.5237, -122.675), (45.5237, -122.675)],
                           [(45.5238, -122.675), (45.5238, -122.675)]],
                line_color='red', line_weight=2,
FIXME: Add another example.
polygon_marker(location=None, line_color='black', line_opacity=1, line_weight=2, fill_color='blue', fill_opacity=1, num_sides=4, rotation=0, radius=15, popup=None, popup_width=300)

Custom markers using the Leaflet Data Vis Framework.

  • location (tuple or list, default None) – Latitude and Longitude of Marker (Northing, Easting)
  • line_color (string, default 'black') – Marker line color
  • line_opacity (float, default 1) – Line opacity, scale 0-1
  • line_weight (int, default 2) – Stroke weight in pixels
  • fill_color (string, default 'blue') – Marker fill color
  • fill_opacity (float, default 1) – Marker fill opacity
  • num_sides (int, default 4) – Number of polygon sides
  • rotation (int, default 0) – Rotation angle in degrees
  • radius (int, default 15) – Marker radius, in pixels
  • popup (string or tuple, default 'Pop Text') – Input text or visualization for object. Can pass either text, or a tuple of the form (Vincent object, ‘vis_path.json’) It is possible to adjust the width of text/HTML popups using the optional keywords popup_width (default is 300px).

Return type:

Polygon marker names and HTML in obj.template_vars

simple_marker(location=None, popup=None, marker_color='blue', marker_icon='info-sign', clustered_marker=False, icon_angle=0, popup_width=300)

Create a simple stock Leaflet marker on the map, with optional popup text or Vincent visualization.

  • location (tuple or list, default None) – Latitude and Longitude of Marker (Northing, Easting)
  • popup (string or tuple, default 'Pop Text') – Input text or visualization for object. Can pass either text, or a tuple of the form (Vincent object, ‘vis_path.json’) It is possible to adjust the width of text/HTML popups using the optional keywords popup_width (default is 300px).
  • marker_color – color of marker you want
  • marker_icon – icon from ( you want on the marker
  • clustered_marker – boolean of whether or not you want the marker clustered with other markers

Return type:

Marker names and HTML in obj.template_vars


>>> map.simple_marker(location=[45.5, -122.3], popup='Portland, OR')
>>> map.simple_marker(location=[45.5, -122.3], popup=(vis, 'vis.json'))